Sunday, January 08, 2006
DDOS spectrum

This evening I had a conversation with a friend about how some people can appear to be more knowledgeable than they truly are. Often these appearances are not just incidental but rather carefully engineered.

What is it about some Maldivians which make them so arrogant and so self-important? That self-imposed question sent the sparks flying and I have come home to work on my first sociological theorem: the DDos Spectrum (no implied meanings whatsoever!). The following is the initial draft of a theorem meant to graphically summarize the megalomaniac's gameplan.

Suppose you have person A and person B: person B being somewhat smarter than person A. If you plot a bar graph which depicts the 'smartness' of both people in a horizontal knowledge spectrum (idiots ending on the left and the smart ones on the right), then we get the following graph for persons A and B.

Now let us superimpose onto this base spectrum a specialization: mathematics in this case. Also if we assume that person B is more knowledgeable in this specialization than A, we get the following graph:

Let us test the superimposition of one more specialization. This time we will take Sociology, at which person B again excels over person A.

Finally, if we superimpose the specialization that megalomaniacs excel at - deceit and cunningness - and if person A were a megalomaniac whilst person B was not, then we get the following - distinctly Maldivian - graph:


  • Megalomaniacs will lie and cheat to appear socially and intellectually superior
  • Megalomaniacs are inherently jealous folk
  • If you are not a megalomaniac, and if you do away with deceit and cunningness, you are by default smarter than the megalomaniacs (just less cunning and deceitful)


Unknown said...

damn! I despise deceit.. and I blv in total frankness and openness and honesty.. no wonder i stick out like a sore thumb

ps: i hav an exam and.. I am procrastinating.. :D ..

Anonymous said...

it seems to me that instead of demonizing "decietful and cunning behaviour", person B should adopt it, that way he could reach full bar.


persona non grata said...

anonymous: is that called winning 'at all costs'?

Mary-Jo said...

People suffering from inferiority complex will have no qualms about selling their soul. They're what I call as 'phony smiles & fake hellos'.

Muhammadh said...

Now let us superimpose onto this base spectrum a specialization.

You sound like Oche' the Physics teacher. hehe no offense :)

Good one, i do agree that megalomaniacs are annoying but that doesn't prove they are idiots either right.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Persona non grata

This shows who you are.
-Corporate injustice-


persona non grata said...

anonymous: You proved my point there :). I love it when an anonymous coward tries to verbally abuse me - makes me feel I'm special somehow.

Also, I do not believe you completely understand what you read here: what's your age (would you like some help with comprehension)?

Simon said...

Shafie, the first version of this entry was more entertaining. Honestly.

persona non grata said...

Simon: thanks. I got my validation, now I think someone else needs it from you (someone who thinks/thought pretty highly of you).