Monday, May 18, 2009
It's MY ball!

This is not the first time Anni has shut out critics within his administration. That Anni gave her the boot despite Dhiyana's letters containing sound advice is all the more amusing. If political appointees were illegally influencing the elections (or seemed to be doing so), is it not the attorney general's prerogative to escalate the issue to the president?

During the post-MDP years of reform the police service was separated from the national defense force in order to do justice to the phrase 'separation of powers'. Allowing the defense minister to serve as acting home minister was initially politically counterproductive. Letting the situation fester was worse and warranted advice from the government's leading legal counsel (which does not happen to be Husnu Suood).

In no way did either letter demand Anni's resignation. Neither did any of the letters demand immediate action. They advised the president on matters that concerned the attorney general and why they should be addressed. If the attorney general gets canned every time this happens then why have one at all? Why not contract a yes-man like Husnu Suood to hang from the puppeteer's threads? It has certainly not been that long for Maldivians to forget that the attorney generals of Maumoon's era were considered puppets in the public's eye?

It is high time politicians caught a glimpse of the impending dystopia materializing on the fuel of Anni's stubborn singlemindedness. If his autocracy is this acute just months into his presidency, consider what awaits Maldives 4 years from now.


Anonymous said...

oh, did anni cut dhiyana's tongue out or did he just fire her? can't she still publish on a small blog?

was she working at ag's office when you got sentenced for possessing pornographic materials?

Anonymous said...

Hello Shafee,

How are you?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the opinion that the Attorney General was an appointment by the president himself, and his/her main role was to act as a legal counsel for the president/government instead of sneaking behind his back. Agreed that Anni was publicly campaigning for MDP candidates, but the AG did not react in an appropriate manner. She had to go behind the back, of the president to make some press releases. In my opinion, the coalition itself was a big mistake, although it had a greater purpose to it. Dhiyana represent the interest of Jumhooree party, and her loyalty lies with them ( or rather with her husband ). A government cannot function for the betterment of the public, if the basic thought and objectives do not meet. A government needs to function as a single unit, checks and balances are outside the government. The majlis was set in place to check the government. If there are separatists within this government, I don't see it functioning to achieve anything. More than that, Dhiyana did try to intervene into a majlis affair, which was quite immature on her part, and her perception of the constitution is quite silly. In my opinion, she is not qualified for the job. It is a good move to remove her from this position, there is nothing wrong with it and it doesn't mean anything acute, but that the president has a responsibility to run a smooth government in order to attain certain objectives.


Old friend.

persona non grata said...

Don't you first have to prove that it was Dhiyana who leaked the letters with the intent of undermining the government? According to Zuhair, Dhiyana was dismissed because Anni THINKS that “the attorney general’s office needs to perform better still and at a faster pace.” If that's the reason for her termination then I believe Dhiyana has an opportunity here to sue the government. Why? Because of the ambiguity of the reasons for termination. On one hand the president calls her "honest" and "capable", and on the other hand lethargic?

All that aside, why is Anni so afraid of having his government's affairs barred to the public? Especially since he purports to advocate transparency.

Anonymous said...

Dear Shafee,
The Police Services is getting ready to use dogs to spot criminals. Be ready!
A Friend

Anonymous said...

Now Anni is ruling, but everything he does according to the "laws" and the "best interest" of the people, even though he "openly" challenges the laws. What a wonderful Maldives! I think the time has come for Hassan Saeed and Qasim to apologize for what they have done to this country.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dos, you know what happened? Anni thought Dhiyaaa was not Jabir's wife when he appointed her as AG. He only realized that when Dhiyaana advised him regarding election issues. You should remember when Anni commented that Dhiyaana had her personal interests on the matter. Thats when he realized that.

persona non grata said...

An 'oopsie' moment eh? heheh