Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Only gloss

Anni who oft-decried forceful police tactics seems to have no qualms about endorsing them now that he is the one in the throne.

There is no doubt that the promises of good governance and institutional reform was only used to gloss his candidacy in last year's presidential race. Now that he is comfortably nestled into the throne he has completely washed his hands of all his campaign promises. Anni is exactly the caricature he used to accuse Maumoon of being.


Anonymous said...

Maldivians are masters when it comes to copying , and ANNI also trying to copy the DICTATOR GAYYOOM .....so in the end ANNI also will become another dictator !! poor maldivians

BrawnGP said...

SIngapore achieved enormous development under a dictatorship .... so if ANNI becomes a productive dictatorship i am sure our country will flourish.

V for Vandetta said...


Illusion of a Democracy, in a Dictatorship, is what would be called as deception.

Who would like the development, where littering is a crime, speaking your mind a crime? All at the expense of development? Such development would be associated with corrupt means at some level.

Agreed that Anni is behaving a bit like the tyrant Maumoon. I guess he is not a character with all the qualities of a good democratic leader after all, and at the moment all what he stood for before and did, seems like 'only gloss'.

Anonymous said...

anni is a vaccine
i just hope we can get rid of the virus qayyoom's kingdom
after that we can worry about getting a good president

Anonymous said...

It will be of use to know that the peace-keepers had no choice but to disperse the irrational crowd (fuelled by Gassan's inability to win a seat) when they launched a lit bottle with petrol in it.
If Anni was truly heavy-handed Yameen will be languishing in jail with Gayoom. Interestingly what democracy truly demands is Gayoom's scalp whilst Anni has refused to give in to lesser instincts.

persona non grata said...

Readers should judge for themselves, given that there are some video evidence.

Anonymous said...

"Video footage" from haveeru is only clear evidence that it is from the files when MDP was protesting during 2008 Presidential elections. Haveeru, the propaganda machine of Maumoon, can't fool us.

persona non grata said...

Again, let's leave it up to readers.

Anonymous said...

President Nasheed's refusal to bring real change, his failure to bring Gayoom and Yamin to accountability is a clear sign that Nasheed's in cahoots with the Kaaminee Clan.
Only if great parliamentarians like Mahfool will realize what's going on here. Come on, people. Anni is a double agent for DRP working within MDP.. It's all part of an elaborate plan to continue Maumoon's power over us poor maldivians.