Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Oh there's that oppression

The cracks are showing in the Maldivian government's haste to attain partisan control in the parliament. The self-proclaimed champions of liberty and justice have suddenly transformed into the very leaders Maldivians sought to shed not so long ago. 'How so?!' you ask?

The government is attempting the forceful neutralization of potential threats (it is pleasantly surprising to see this story published on Minivan News, of all gazettes) in the run-up to the elections. The relocation of Randhoo Island Chief is intended to derail any potential opposition rallies on the island, which could lead to the MDP candidate losing ground. This is (most certainly) also a tactic being used to strike fear into the hearts of all opponents who have got anything to lose (a family of five to leave behind, in Hassan Naseer Ibrahim's case).

What it really is is a throwback to yesteryear, when the government's needs were begotten at the cost of people's rights. And here the current administration laments endlessly about DRP's leaders. Gudho gudho!


Isthisit? said...


Ismail Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

More symptoms of Anni's increasing paranoia? :)

persona non grata said...

A healthy paranoia is good, but that bordering on malevolence isn't methinks.

V for Vandetta said...

This is nothing to do with paranoia, but pure and purposeful deceit. As you have said, these 'self-proclaimed champions of justice and liberty' are twisting and bending all they can. I can so nothing different from what they are doing today, and what the tyrant did yesterday. I am starting to wonder if it is our fate, to get rid of this endless chain of tyrants.