Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It is surprising that Dr. Shaheed has the balls to counter Gayoom's accusations on behalf of Anni. Interesting that having abstained from voicing his concerns whilst serving in Gayoom's cabinet Shaheed is now portraying himself as a self-righteous monk.

Here is the extent of Shaheed's pro-Anni sentiments. Gayoom says Darfur is a western propaganda and Shaheed interprets that as championing dictatorships. And the next most current dictatorship that came to his mind was Pol Pot?!

It has taken less than 6 months for Maldivians to realize that electing Anni is the biggest mistake they ever made. Even the coalition is falling apart, what with the growing anger within the ranks of Adhaalath and the departure of former allies, Hassan Saeed and Gasim. Time is fast approaching for Shaheed himself to start chastising his current masters (eh fulhah mathin fummaali bakari...). Either that or Shaheed's own head might end up in the sacrificial guillotine.


Simon said...


"It has taken less than 6 months for Maldivians to realize that electing Anni is the biggest mistake they ever made."

Not all Maldivians. Certainly not me. The opposition together with an incompetent media has fueled this idea that everything must happen instantaneously, that all of Anni's campaign promises must be realized within a few days. People, perhaps you included, have forgotten that the government has a 5 year term to work with - and a single year has yet to pass.

It has taken less than 6 months for other Maldivians to realize that there are Dhivehin who crave for illusions of prosperity the likes of which only Gayoom was capable of fabricating.

persona non grata said...

Do these 'illusions of prosperity' encompass Anni's fear tactics, his government's continuing religious marginalization, the autonomous subjugation of state properties, the contempt of the constitution, etc?

Anonymous said...

And you believe it when Gayoom says Darfur is western propaganda??? sheesh!

Yes I agree with Simon, it seems that everyone wanted everything the moment Anni took oath. People wanted their harbours build next day, money pouring in from the sky! Its ridiculous.

persona non grata said...


Refer my previous comment please.

Shiham said...

Maldivians are inclined towards fascism. They do not do their own thinking and always prefers others to do the thinking for them. You see, when someone rules a country for thirtee years and leaves the office and yet remains in politics, criticizing every move of the current govt with newly found freedom of expression (ironically) this is what happens. the 70+ old man has plenty of loyal Maldivian fascists who have benefitted during his despotic rule and is willing to forget about the future of democracy and just spoil the whole thing. Our society is based on very sick values of us and them, rich and poor and educated and not educated kind of dual mentality that has been fed for hundreds of years including last 30 yrs+ last six months and with so much kasauties in the society pple have the propensity to support what breaks the society.

Im not condoning any of Anni's mistake if he has done any! But Simon is right, we got to give him a chance and time.

What i see today is just kids fighting for their toys. Maumoon was ousted from the Office and he says ey! im going to find a way to throw you out with my friends. you took my life and you will pay for it.
Qasim does not like anni's modest life style+ his vision of economy of this country where his business interests could be in danger!
Dr Hassan just can't take anythingelse than presidency...

These are quite obvious things if one ponders little bit.