Thursday, April 02, 2009

Dear reader, have you visited the Maldives e-government website? If not please do so. Not that what you will see there is altogether fascinating - after all failure to test implementations is second-nature to any government undertaking.

The site is open for public browsing it would seem. However, if you click on any of the links under the 'Browse By Subject' section, you get a highly desirable IIS security settings error. Go to the 'Job Opportunities' link at the very bottom and the listing shows the only categories that are available are 'Name of Job Category' and organizations available are 'Name of Organization'. There are freelance software developers in Maldives, motivated by a few grand, with more rigorous testing schemes. How NCIT failed so hilariously, despite the backing of USD 3.3 million, is beyond anyone.

The lack of insights into engineering life-cycles aside, the whole concept of e-whatever has been lost on NCIT. Go to the page where you register an account and scroll down to the very bottom and you will see the the statement 'Please bring along your Identity card and proceed to the below ministries for verification after the registration'. e-WHAT?!!! The USD 5.3 million spent on installing fibre-optic networks in-between the various government bodies obviously did not help connect their systems.

As for the information presentation schemes, there are websites developed by 5-year-olds which are faster and more navigable. These 5-year-olds do not use the boring web-1.0 chutzpa. They resort to more presentable and trendy interfaces, via AJAX, Flash, (at least) DHTML and what-not. Whoever hired the designer for the clunky interface on the e-gov website should be shot dead for deliberately wasting the people's money (most probably under the influence of nepotism).

This whole e-government ruckus is a complete failure. It has done nothing but waste precious time, money, resources and real-estate (it would have been better for the government to open a brewery at the premises of NCIT - more returns). This is what happens when you charge clueless novices with responsibilities beyond their capabilities. One would think that experimenting over a 5-year period (5 YEARS on this rubbish end-result?!!!) would help them attain better insights (how long does a monkey take to match shapes, anyone?). Faaig, it is time for you to stick your thumb in your rear-end and declare yourself a dunce.

PS. The website was checked by the author on 2nd April 2009. There is the possibility that NCIT may take up arms and rectify their failures before too long (although there is every guarantee that that may not happen).


Headset said...

the site was pure comedy gold. thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

read this part at enf of the main page. and no need of talking about other matters i think.

© Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Last updated 5th November 2007, 4:00 PM.

anyway thanks for the link. i never knew about this site before.

Anonymous said...

its nothing, the sites,even all the government websites, no updates and nothing on those websites..and they all provide the contact email and no one to reply most of the time.Whts the use of giving email address in the websites? no one to response...

M said...

Fascinating isn't it? What people can't achieve with that amount of money and time? :)

Btw, the link at the bottom of your post says " website " but the hyperlink is ""

persona non grata said...

M: a forgivable mistake perhaps, given that I didn't have millions backing me?

meekaaku said...

I noticed the copyright one too. seems they are still in 2007 technology.

I wonder how do they get the funding. They just built a 2 storey building just to host a dish, and now 8 or 10 storey building is going to start soon.

meekaaku said...

One would think that a well funded project should have some acceptable standards of quality. But no, with numerous errors on validation and classnames such as "ctl00_Menu1_1 navmenu-left-menu ctl00_Menu1_3" how the hell is one going to maintain this beast?

Anonymous said...

this 'e-f%%king" website is a f##king joke....