Saturday, August 16, 2008
for the sake of change

Read this article and you will know what I meant by 'change for the sake of change' in my last post.

Simon is willing to hand the reigns of Maldives to any old joker as long as it is not Maumoon. He blames all the corruption and injustice on one man. If it were not for people like his father (and their cohorts) Maumoon would not have been allowed to reap undue benefits. As it stands, Maumoon has benefited from corruption only as much as the rest of the country's leading capitalists (including people like Qasim, ADK Nashid, Simon's dad, etc). Maumoon has benefited from injustice no more than people like Umar Naseer (who's mandate of brutality whilst serving the NSS certainly did not demand breaking people's backbones).

The time for blame-placing has passed. We all know that Maumoon's willing followers (current as well as former) are no less to blame than Maumoon himself for the government's corruption and injustice. Let us now focus on the change than the reprimanding. Now is the time to assess the propositions made by all the proponents of change and determine which is the best.


Anonymous said...

Even Simon himself has benefitted from it.

And Simon talks about two-faced hypocrites?

Anonymous said...

DOS. Simon may have benefited from it. He even developed Kutti Nasheed's blog. What about you? How many softwares and sites have u developed for the Maldives Police Service? What is your relationship with Abdul Shukoor Abdulla's son Shuhad? Where were you during the last 4 years when all things were happening? There is a file for you too. Are you asking us to open that file and let Maldivian people know of your hypocrisy?

Anonymous said...

Dos. you are calling 'gudhow gudhow'.

Simon is not Simon's dad. You are not a torturer because you are not the one who works with the police. But the projects you are doing for police is purely without corruption. Because you do not have any family member connected working for the regime or the police?

Simon said...

Good post, bro.

The essence of your article is the same as the one you've linked in from my blog, only yours is better, in a school-girl-writing-assignment kind of way.

Don't worry we need that kind too. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam Zahir's greatest Agent by all means is Choppey , he was paid well by police service , he was a double agent , he was the architect behind factmaldives ....

Choppey helped police to arrest innocent CHSC students on terrorism charges....

this is the naked truth...