Thursday, February 12, 2009
It's only alcohol

The curious mind wonders if Anni was sipping Sula Shiraz while he was glancing through this article. The mind also wonders why Minivan News is running the article when not a murmur was uttered in response to Anni's Sula Shiraz transgressions. The mind cannot be brought to terms with the possibility that Anni and Minivan News may have a wholly unholy alliance. Impossible! The present government of Maldives is way too transparent and pure to even consider such evil.


Anonymous said...

we must move beyond alcohol and ganja and work to build a nation on realistic goals

Anonymous said...

whats the big deal about sula shiraz?
child abuse , street violence , drug abuse and corruption is more severe things in our community !!!!i am not converend about what president drinks !!! all i care about what he does to develop this country!!!