Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Who wants a tourney?

I'd like to see the lot of us bashing each other in a serious tournament of Counterstrike. A CS tournament might actually draw the attention of new blood. It's about time we got back into the fray and see if we've still got what it takes - despite our sagging tummies and numbed wrists - to withstand the onslaught of the young guns out there. Sadly, I see very few newbies rising up to the challenge. Are there any out there? Do any of those fresh minds bother to read these rantings - or could they really be called 'wisdom' now? - of us antdiluvian folk? Will they at least answer the calling of a slug-fest?

What say all ye to a Counterstrike tourney?


primary0 said...

I'm in :P

persona non grata said...

primary0, I think you should post this on your blog... more people would respond... mine's still a barren wasteland - which I'm hoping would flourish into the metropolis it could be...

primary0 said...

hmm. but i don't think most of the blog readers are into gaming. lets see, i'll give it a shot.

wad said...

one tourney coming up,
soon my friends.... soon

persona non grata said...

Gaa... when and where?!?!?!?#?#@!%$?@#$^?#@^&?@%#&$#&$&*$*^^%*#%^*#%^*

primary0 said...

yes that soooon has been coming since roadhamas.. get that blue to open the damn place already!!

wad said...

I guess, you have been given time to improve yourselves for a challenging tournament. The place is already opened. You are burning your pre-allocated hours of complimentary gaming. ;)

We have seen some great players recently, IF we indeed held the competition sometime last month, we could have missed the tough bullets and TKs.

No worries people.